Amidst the majestic olive groves of Tunisia, a fascinating story unfolds every year during the olive harvest. A palette of colors emerges, ranging from vibrant green to deep purple and glossy black. These colors are not merely aesthetic; they carry precious meaning and play a crucial role in the art of harvesting and sorting olives.
In this blog, we will delve deep into the colorful world of Tunisian olives and how they are treated based on their hue.
Section 1: The Colors of the Harvest
During the harvest season, the olive tree and farmers are confronted with a variety of olive colors, namely:
Green Olives:
These bright green olives symbolize youth and are the first to be harvested before reaching full maturity. Their intense color signifies their high polyphenol content, resulting in olive oil with powerful aromas and a pronounced taste.
Yellow and Yellowish Olives:
Olives take on a yellow or yellowish hue when they are at intermediate ripeness. This color indicates a less bitter taste and a softer texture.
Purple and Black Olives:
Olives turn purple or black when they reach full maturity. Their dark color guarantees a smooth mouthfeel and a melting texture, perfect for table olives and the production of milder olive oil.
Section 2: The Art of Separation: Olives for Oil and Olives for the Table
Tunisian olives, in their various colors, are used specifically based on their hue and ripeness. Tunisian olive growers master the art of carefully selecting them for different purposes.
Olives for Extra Virgin Olive Oil:
These olives, often harvested when fully ripe and displaying purple-black hues, boast a high oil content and rich flavors, making them an ideal choice for extracting superior-quality olive oil. The extra virgin olive oil produced from these olives is perfect for seasoning salads, pasta dishes, or dipping fresh bread.
Table and Pickling Olives :
Olives destined for the table and pickling come in a variety of colors, ranging from green to purple to yellow. Here are some usage examples :
Meski Green Olives: These green olives of the Meski variety are particularly prized for their firm flesh and slight bitterness. Marinated with garlic, aromatic herbs, and citrus, they add a unique flavor to many Tunisian dishes, such as "Chicken and Olive Couscous."
Black Table Olives: Among the most appreciated for tasting, black olives are perfect for enhancing a traditional Tunisian salad known as "Slata Tounsiya." Their melt-in-your-mouth texture and rich taste make them a popular choice for appetizers and mezze.
Beldi Olives: Beldi green olives, preserved in olive oil and aromatic herbs, are ideal for appetizers. Their delightfully bitter flesh is a treat for the taste buds and makes a tasty addition to cheese and charcuterie platters.
The olive harvesting season in Tunisia is both a crucial and exciting time. The array of colors seen on olive branches illustrates the diversity of uses for these precious fruits. Whether destined for extra virgin olive oil production or table consumption, olives are a source of pride for Tunisians.
OLYFO’s extra virgin olive oil, obtained from perfectly harvested olives, is renowned for its exceptional quality and robust flavor. The meticulous selection of olives, traditional pressing methods, and commitment to excellence ensure that every drop of extra virgin olive oil captures the essence of the Mediterranean.