Tunisian Extra Virgin Olive Oil is naturally rich in Polyphenols due to the dry weather, long exposure to the sun (more than 330 days of sun on a yearly basis), and to the strength and robustness of local varieties. Reasonable consumption of Tunisian Extra Virgin Olive Oil contributes to:

According to Olive Oil Times, “Extra virgin olive oil is an unprocessed, pure fruit juice that has been shown to have the most health benefits (…) in the start of 2020, the Mediterranean diet was named as the best overall eating plan for the third consecutive year by a panel of nutritionists, diabetes specialists, heart health and weight loss experts in the US News & World Report’s annual list of top diets.”

The diet was rated as the best eating plan due to its richness in fresh fruit, vegetables,
and olive oil. It was also praised for being easy to follow. Various studies have also highlighted the Olive Oil beneficial health impact through its phenolic compound.

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