The internet is full of content on Olive Oil and specifically the origin, quality, color, and smell of extra virgin olive oil. The objective of this article is to share some of the great data detailing the benefits of Tunisia Extra Virgin Olive Oil and demystifying the myths about EVOO.

According to North America Olive Oil Association, here are some side-by-side facts/myths about EVOO:

Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is only for salads and dipping. Never heat it! It diminishes the health benefits. Cooking with olive oil actually makes your food healthier. A study in the journal Food Chemistry found that phenols and antioxidants from EVOO are transferred to vegetables cooked in it, thereby increasing the nutrition content of the vegetables.
Olive oil isn’t ideal for cooking because of its lower smoke point.Smoke point is not an issue. When you’re cooking food in olive oil, your oil will rarely, if ever, reach the smoke point. Researchers have also found EVOO is the most stable cooking oil when heated, according to a recent study published in the journal ACTA Scientific Nutritional HealthThis is true even for long periods of time and compared to oils like sunflower and canola.
As much as 70 – 80% of supermarket olive oil in the U.S. is “fake” and adulterated with other oils.
You’ll be pleased to know this is “fake news.” Peer-reviewed research conducted by the FDA found no confirmed adulteration in any of the 88 random samples tested in Washington, D.C.-area retail stores. The FDA’s findings mirror the results of the NAOOA’s two decades of robust monitoring efforts, which have found that 98% of olive oil sold in U.S. retail outlets is authentic.
If olive oil gets cloudy or solidifies in the refrigerator, it is 100% authentic and high quality.There is NO HOME TEST to check for olive oil. Some oils get cloudy in the refrigerator and some don’t. Quality is best checked through taste and smell–authenticity is best tested in a properly-equipped lab.
A very green color indicates high quality olive oil.COLOR IS NOT an indicator of olive oil quality. Quality olive oils range in color from pale yellow to dark green, depending on variables like the olive variety, where it’s grown, climate, and harvest timing.
“Lite” or “Extra Light” olive oil is lower in calories.All olive oils have the SAME CALORIES PER SERVING.“Lite” or “Extra Lite” indicates a lighter color, aroma or flavor.
Extra virgin olive oil is the only “healthy” type of olive oil.ALL OLIVE OILS are high in heart-healthy monounsaturated fat – the “good” fat. While extra virgin olive oil retains antioxidants offering added benefits, offering added benefits, all olive oils have more good fat than other common cooking oils.
Like wine, olive oil gets better with age.Olive oil, like all cooking oils, has a limited shelf life. It should be used no more than two years from bottling. To maintain quality, store your olive oil in a cool, dark place and use the oil within a few months once the bottle is opened.

Now switching back to Tunisia, According to official communication from Packtec, the country is the most important olive-growing country of the southern Mediterranean region; over 30% of its planted land is dedicated to olive trees.

Excluding the EU, Tunisia is the major world power in the olive oil sector. It is making great efforts to restructure and modernize its sector as well as to raise olive oil quality and expand acreage. Tunisia has been recently one of the fastest-growing countries to win Awards in Olive Ol competitions such as New York, Japan, London, Canada, and many more.

In our first year at OLYFO, we have successfully won two Quality Awards a the London and Canada International Olive Oil Competitions.

To conclude the blog post, here is an important reminder of the main benefits of Extra Virgin Olive Oil:

For more information about our products, quality, and price, please reach out to our sales team by writing to this email address: sales@localhost

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